There are a few ways this can be handled. The most common is to add a Google/XML Sitemap to your website, which is built using the CMS Template API to create a list of published URLs for the site. The sitemap is used by search engines to more intelligenty crawl your site. Also under reports, operational there is the instance overview report. From this report, click on the links under total published pages which will download a CSV of all of the files published. Note this will include other items like master pages, .net controls, java tags, etc which are not directly accessible. This is better for generating a site inventory.
In addition it is recommended that the client look at implementing our Digital Quality Management (DQM) tool, which not only can inventory the site, but also provide benefitial information to improving the site for SEO and Accessibility. This tool integrates with the Crownpeak CMS as well. Feel free to reach out to your Customer Service Manager for more information.
Ken SnyderVP, Customer Support & Cloud Operations
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