Director of UX

What cookies are dropped on a domain with UCP enabled?

What cookies are dropped on a domain with UCP enabled?


Ari Weissman
Sr Director of UX & Community

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Head of Support

Great question @AriWeissman .

On a domain set up with one of our site notices, the following cookies that may be dropped during interaction.

Site Notice Cookies:

  • _evidon_consent_cookie - When consent is required and a consent action is triggered, this cookie drops.
  • _evidon_suppress_notification_cookie - If the customer utilizes our API function - "evidon.notice.dropSuppressionCookie", the mentioned cookie is dropped to hide the barrier/banner for X amount of time.


Ken Snyder
VP, Customer Support & Cloud Operations

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## Have thoughts on Crownpeak products? We'd love to hear them. Speak with the Crownpeak Product Team..

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