Community Manager
Community Manager

Group Management

    Website group dropdown shown in the Group Overview pageWebsite group dropdown shown in the Group Overview page


    Group Management allows an admin to configure the groups that show in the “Website Group” Dropdown menu of the Group Performance section of DQM.

    A Group is a collection of websites that you can benchmark and report on together within the Group Performance section. You can create Groups to represent regions, business units, or areas of management responsibility.


    Groups are visible to users who can see the Group Performance section, and have permission to view any of the Websites within them.


    Group Management landing pageGroup Management landing page


    Click on the name of an existing group to edit it.

    To add a new group, simply click on the “Add new group” button in the top-right of the page to open the Add Group page.


    The Add Group page in Group managementThe Add Group page in Group management


    From here, fill in the “Group name” text box, select the websites you want to be included in the group, and click “Save” once you are finished.

    Groups are entirely flexible and admins can create (or delete) Groups without impacting the underlying data.

    • Websites can be added to more than one Group
    • You can add as many websites to a Group as you like
    • You can create as many Groups as you like
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