How do you Over-ride the Notice Position from the Tag?
If you have a particular creative or campaign where the notice should appear in a different location than the original location that was set up for the notice, you can over-ride the location by passing in a value in the tag itself. The value to add to the JavaScript tag is position, and the accepted values are top-right, top-left, bottom-right, and bottom-left. To do this, you edit the tag to include the position variable. So if the notice generated by the tag console looked like:
Evidon tag
Campaign: ACME Corp: Coyote Campaign
Ad Size: 300x250
<script type="text/javascript" src=";ad_w=300;ad_h=250;coid=242;nid=20"></script>
You would edit it to instead look like:
Evidon tag
Campaign: ACME Corp: Coyote Campaign
Ad Size: 300x250
<script type="text/javascript" src=";ad_w=300;ad_h=250;coid=242;nid=20;position=top-left;"></script>
If you are using the ActionScript version of the tags, the variable name is "pos" to over-ride the positioning. Here are examples of the ActionScript tags, with the positioning variable included:
ActionScript 3 Template:
import flash.display.Loader;
var EvidonNoticeParams:Object = {cid:"<Company ID>", nid:"<Notice ID>", pos: "top-left", width: stage.width, height: stage.height, grad: 70};
var EvidonNoticeLoader:Loader = new Loader();
EvidonNoticeLoader.contentLoaderInfo.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, EvidonNoticeLoaded);
EvidonNoticeLoader.load(new URLRequest(""));
function EvidonNoticeLoaded(e:Event) {
ActionScript 2 Template:
_root.createEmptyMovieClip("evidonNotice", this.getNextHighestDepth());
evidonLoader = new MovieClipLoader();
evidonLoader.loadClip("<Company ID>&nid=<Notice ID>&pos=top-left&opacity=80", "evidonNotice");