HTTP verb
The action to perform against the endpoint
A combination of the server that fulfills a request, the web service, and the resource against which the request is being made.
Call payload
A set of input parameters and attributes that you supply with the request. API operations have both required and optional inputs. You specify input parameters in the URI and input attributes in a request body. You can specify a JSON or XML formatted request body.
Http verb
Specify one of these HTTP verbs in the request:
- GET - Requests transfer of a current representation of the target resource.
- POST - Requests that the origin server accepts the representation enclosed in the request as data to be processed by the target resource.
A combination of the server that fulfills the request, the web service, and the resource against which the request is being made.
For example, in the POST https://cms.crownpeak.net/<instance_name>/cpt_webservice/accessapi/Asset/Asset_Create
Call payload
The call payload is a set of input parameters and attributes that you supply with the request in a JSON or XML formatted request body. API operations have both required and optional inputs.
For example, in the POST /accessapi/Asset/Create, a request body will look like this:
"newName": "Lorem Ipsum",
"destinationFolderId": 1234,
"modelId": 5678,
"type": 2, //Note: type == 2 for asset, 4 for folder
"templateId": 2312,
"workflowId": 21,
This JSON-formatted request body includes label name, destination folder asset id, model id, type of asset, template id, and workflow id. The information in this request body is used to create a new asset in the CMS.
The list of operations
Access APIs are organized into 29 functional sets. The highlighted below are commonly used when developing custom projects from outside the CMS.
1. Access
2. Asset
3. AssetProperties
4. Auth
5. Bugsnag
6. Component
7. ConnectionTest
8. Connectors
9. Conversations
10. CustomReport
11. DAM
12. Dashboard
13. DQM
14. Image
15. Job
16. Project
17. Publish
18. Render
19. Report
20. SearchG2
21. Settings
22. Sockets
23. Support
24. Tools
25. Upload
26. User
27. Util
28. WCO
29. Workflow
Full documentation for the DXM Access API is available on your instance https://cms.crownpeak.net/<instance_name>/cpt_webservice/swagger/ui/index