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it is possible to start a sitearchitect with a gradle task via the bootstrap class. Is it also possible to start the ServerManager this way?
Kind regards and thank you,
Yes, it is possible. However, this is not a documented feature and may therefore break without notice.
val clientRuntime: Configuration by configurations.creating
dependencies {
clientRuntime(group = "de.espirit.firstspirit", name = "fs-isolated-client", version = "<insert-your-fs-version-here>")
fun clientStartArgs(registryFile: String): List<String> {
val baseArgs = listOf(
"-Dlocale=" + Locale.getDefault().language,
return baseArgs + listOf(
WARNING: Starting FirstSpirit clients this way is undocumented and may change without notice!
val startSiteArchitect by tasks.creating( {
classpath = files(clientRuntime)
jvmArgs = clientStartArgs("")
val startServerManager by tasks.creating( {
classpath = files(clientRuntime)
jvmArgs = clientStartArgs("")
Yes, it is possible. However, this is not a documented feature and may therefore break without notice.
val clientRuntime: Configuration by configurations.creating
dependencies {
clientRuntime(group = "de.espirit.firstspirit", name = "fs-isolated-client", version = "<insert-your-fs-version-here>")
fun clientStartArgs(registryFile: String): List<String> {
val baseArgs = listOf(
"-Dlocale=" + Locale.getDefault().language,
return baseArgs + listOf(
WARNING: Starting FirstSpirit clients this way is undocumented and may change without notice!
val startSiteArchitect by tasks.creating( {
classpath = files(clientRuntime)
jvmArgs = clientStartArgs("")
val startServerManager by tasks.creating( {
classpath = files(clientRuntime)
jvmArgs = clientStartArgs("")
Vielen Dank @Windmüller , funktioniert einwandfrei!
Für alle die kein Kotlin nutzen und auf Basis des Modultemplates arbeiten, es reicht die Zeile
zu ändern.