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I have a URL (Eg., to be used in a news teaser as external link. If this URL is provided in extenal link, the respective news is not getting deployed in FirstSpirit server. The identified special character creating issue is '&' and it seems some other special characters are also not allowing the news to be deployed. Is this a known issue? Please clarify, and if there is a solution or workaround for this issue, please suggest that too.
Thanks and regards
Hello Udhay,
Which version of FirstSpirit do you use? Can you post the code of the external link template?
Best regards
Hi Jan,
I am using FirstSpirit 5.1. PFB the code of external link:
<CMS_INPUT_TEXT name="ref" hFill="no" singleLine="no" useLanguages="no">
<LANGINFO lang="*" label="Target URL"/>
<LANGINFO lang="DE" label="Ziel Adresse eingeben"/>
Thanks and regards
Hi Udhay,
could you please post the code from the HTML channel as well?
Hello Marian,
The issue is almost fixed. Thank you for the support!.
Thanks and regards