Occasional Collector

Selection of the template- Form-tab is clickable and inside some of the components accessible some not?


Selection of the template- Form-tab is clickable and inside some of the components accessible some not?

Server version: 5.2.2109.77244 -


1) radio button is not select able by default.

2) tabs like Picture, Flash, Video, Text, Fallback is select able and clickable.

3) Rules is applicable.

4) Selection of picture not available.

-- If nothing need to be performed here then why some component is clickable and some are not?

-- Here why default values of the form is not applicable.???

After adding the template, below image is the Form preview.


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1 Reply
Crownpeak employee

Hi Siva,

the form tab is just to let an editor check how the form looks like - the idea is just to help selecting the correct template.

The second picture does not show a „preview“ but the default values of the template which can be changed when edit mode is active.


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