Both FirstSpirit clients:
run both in a sandbox environment, due to their JNLP Java-WebStart implementation nature (and starting mechanism). So, there is a Java SecurityManager available that will check access to the local machine initiated by the remotely loaded application (here: Java-/AdminClient)
When you provide a module that is configurable within the AdminClient using a FileChooser option to store some data locally, there might be some problems:
- when voting for the JFileChooser dialog, there are some security limitation that have to be clarified
- "all-permissions" have to be granted to the "security" tag within the JNLP configuration
- the corresponding JAR has to signed via "jarsigner"
- another solution would be using the special JNLP API for the file chooser like mentioned here:
- When voting for solution 1.), is it really necessary to adapt the "JNLP" configuration and sign the JAR?
- What would you vote for?
Thanx for your help,
Holger King