I have FS_LIST below and I have to follow the below step for adding the content.
Step 1: Click button and then Select any link template
Step 2: Click Edit Button and add the content
Step 3: Save the content.
Is it possible to get the pop up (dialog box ) after the Step 1 ?? Because there is no need for one more step.
<FS_LIST name="st_linklist" hfill="yes">
<DATASOURCE type="inline" useLanguages="yes">
<LABEL lang="*">if(#item.lt_text.isEmpty,"Please Provide text",#item.lt_text)+" "+#item.lt_comment</LABEL>
<ACTION name="ADD"/>
<PARAM name="show-confirm">no</PARAM>
<ACTION name="UP"/>
<ACTION name="DOWN"/>
<ACTION name="EDIT"/>
<COLUMN show="no">#identifier</COLUMN>
<ADD component="stackedview" constraint="hide"/>
<ADD component="toolbar" constraint="top"/>
<ADD component="overview" constraint="center"/>
<TEMPLATES source="linktemplates">
<TEMPLATE uid="internallinkwithcomment"/>
<TEMPLATE uid="externallinkwithcomment"/>
<LANGINFO lang="*" label="Linklist" description="Please enter links."/>
<LANGINFO lang="DE" label="Linkliste" description="Bitte wählen Sie die gewünschten Links aus."/>
Vasandharaj M.