Hello to all,
I'm currently migrating project from FS4 to FS5 and I'm having issue with CMS_INPUT_CONTENTAREALIST variables.
Here is the input component:
<CMS_INPUT_CONTENTAREALIST name="cs_full" hFill="yes" rows="7">
<LANGINFO lang="*" label="Full document version:" description="List of all pictures for the gallery."/>
<TEMPLATE name="standard"/>
<TEMPLATE name="gallery"/>
<TEMPLATE name="medium"/>
<TEMPLATE name="table"/>
<TEMPLATE name="download"/>
<VARIABLE name="st_dom_1"/>
<VARIABLE name="st_text_1"/>
<VARIABLE name="st_dom_2"/>
And This is what I've got when migrated:
<FS_LIST name="cs_full" hFill="yes" rows="7">
<DATASOURCE type="inline" useLanguages="no">
<LABEL lang="*">#template.st_dom_1.uid</LABEL>
<LABEL lang="*">#template.st_text_1.uid</LABEL>
<LABEL lang="*">#template.st_dom_2.uid</LABEL>
<ACTION name="ADD">
<PARAM name="select-ui">popup</PARAM>
<ACTION name="UP"/>
<ACTION name="DOWN"/>
<ACTION name="EDIT"/>
<COLUMN show="no">#identifier</COLUMN>
<ADD component="toolbar" constraint="top"/>
<ADD component="overview" constraint="center"/>
<ADD component="stackedview" constraint="hide">
<PARAM name="show-language-tabs">no</PARAM>
<TEMPLATES source="sectiontemplates">
<TEMPLATE uid="standard"/>
<TEMPLATE uid="gallery"/>
<TEMPLATE uid="medium"/>
<TEMPLATE uid="table"/>
<TEMPLATE uid="download"/>
<LANGINFO lang="*" label="Full document version:" description="List of all pictures for the gallery."/>
What do I need to do to include these variables in FS_LIST
<VARIABLE name="st_dom_1"/>
<VARIABLE name="st_text_1"/>
<VARIABLE name="st_dom_2"/>
Also what is necessary to change in the output HTML channel.
FS_LIST is using 4 subtemplates : "standard","gallery","medium","table","download"
Do I need to change something there regarding variables "st_dom_1", "st_text_1", "st_dom_2"
Best regards,