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I have used the sample code from the ODFS but the link reference will not load. The shape, coordinates and text are displaying correctly.
<area shape="$CMS_VALUE(AREA.shape)$" coords="$CMS_VALUE(AREA.coordinates)$" alt="$CMS_VALUE(link.text)$" title="$CMS_VALUE(link.text)$" href="$CMS_VALUE(link.ref)$" />
If I replace link.ref with then the entire link, as displayed in the html of the link template, is displayed
How to get ref value from link template?
Changed to $CMS_REF($ but no luck.
Is sitestoreref the name of the formfield in your linktemplate?
Here is the formm of my linktemplate:
<FS_REFERENCE name="sitestoreref" hFill="yes" sections="no" useLanguages="no">
<ALLOW type="pageref"/>
<ALLOW type="pagereffolder"/>
<ALLOW type="documentgroup"/>
<ALLOW type="file"/>
<ALLOW type="picture"/>
<LANGINFO lang="*" label="Target"/>
<LANGINFO lang="DE" label="Ziel"/>
<LANGINFO lang="ES" label="Destino"/>
<LANGINFO lang="FR" label="Cible"/>
<LANGINFO lang="IT" label="Destinazione"/>
<LANGINFO lang="RU" label="Цель"/>
<LOCAL name=".">
<FOLDER name="root" store="sitestore"/>
<FOLDER name="root" store="mediastore"/>
and this is the code of the pagetemplate
<img src="$CMS_REF(st_imagemap.getImage())$" usemap="#MAPNAME" />
<map name="MAPNAME">
$CMS_FOR(FLAECHE, st_imagemap.areas)$
<area title="$CMS_VALUE($" href="$CMS_REF($" shape="$CMS_VALUE(FLAECHE.shape)$"
alt=google coords="$CMS_VALUE(FLAECHE.coordinates)$" />
it works like expected for me.
Thank you, it works now