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Hi there,
I have a requirement of opening a specific section template form when i click on a button, how to I do it via script? or using an executable class?
I saw a method:filterAvailableTemplates in the newSectionOperation class but have difficulty in understanding how to use it in the script.
Thank you
Just provide the desired template as parameter to the template method.
Hi Peter,
Thanks for your quick reply, but unfortunately my requirement is still not clear. Could you please send some lines of code for reference?
I am not sure for what to put in the template("combo) method
NewSectionOperation template(@NotNull
SectionTemplate template)
because what I need to pass as parameter in the above method as I have name or uid of a section template.
There are API methods where you can get the SectionTemplate by passing the uid. Please consult the API documentation.
Thanks for your support Peter,
The problem has been resolved by creating a new page-content (body) and adding only one section into it and using the newly created page body in the fs-button.