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Occasional Collector

How to debug in IDE for Site Architect in FS_Version:5.2.230510

HI Team,

How can any one start the debug of IDE(Eclipse or Intellij) in FS_Version: 5.2.230510 for site architect?

Also fs-client.jar does not have the below class(CMSExplorer .java). There is no java main method to start the debug.?

If some one know the information's please add in.

Missing Class in FS_Version ,

package de.espirit.firstspirit.client;

public class CMSExplorer {
public static void main(String[] argv) {



Thank you,



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11 Replies
Crownpeak employee

The most simple way to debug the SiteArchitect is by enabling the debug configuration of the launcher. After that you can use any IDE to connect to the debug port. Please find the details in the release notes for FirstSpirit 2022.13.

Also please note that both the fs-client.jar as well as the CMSExplorer class refer to a legacy server and should not be used anymore.

0 Kudos

Hello Windmรผller,

Thank you for your reply and time.

we have configured in the FSLauncher.vmoptions,


Index: 2.1

How to start or configuration in the Eclipse or IntelliJ IDE? How that specific module.fsm is called in the IDE directly? Without java Main class method how we can start the debug? Which option need to be selected?


Thank you,



0 Kudos

You do not need to "run" anything in the IDE. Instead, the SiteArchitect will open a local debug port which is displayed in the launcher. Then use a remote debug configuration in IntelliJ IDEA to connect to this port.

0 Kudos

Hi Windmรผller,

As you have mentioned i have done the below things But still i could not start up the debug mode in my local eclipse.

1) FSLauncher.vmoptions file,


2) Opened the specific project via Site Architect - project is opened.

3) Opened the IDE- Eclipse and configured the below,



4) where can i give the below parameters in eclipse?,




Thank you,


0 Kudos

Did you restart the launcher after changing the settings? Please post a screenshot of the launcher window after the SiteArchitect has been started.

0 Kudos

Hi Windmรผller,

I have attached the FS Log and Site-architect window for your reference.

Restarted my eclipse and and logged out and logged in - site architect and restarted my PC too 1 time.



Thank you.

0 Kudos

Those screenshots show the SiteArchitect, not the launcher. Usually you can find the launcher in the system tray.

0 Kudos

Hi Windmรผller,

Attached the launcher window for your reference from system tray,



Thank you,


0 Kudos

The About dialog does not contain the necessary information. You have to open the launcher to view the assigned debug port.

Screenshot from 2023-05-22 10-38-24.png

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