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FS5: Editor im Java Client ändern

Gibt es die Möglichkeit den leider recht rudimentären Standard-Editor in FS durch einen anderen WYSIWYG-Editor zu ersetzen?

Wenn ja wie?

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12 Replies

Als User würde ich eine Umgebung analog Word bzw. MS Office erwarten.

Aus meiner Sicht ist es auch nicht logisch, dass es für einige Funktionen Icons gibt und Funktionen wie "unterstreichen" unter einer Selektbox versteckt sind :smileyconfused:


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Hello Peter,

The Mithras Energy project was indeed suggested in the topic where we addressed the issue initially:

The 'problem' with that is that it outputs  (an empty space in html code: & n b s p ; ) for empty lines, which is a practise that is not recommended from an HTML perspective. That's the reason we're investigating alternative text editors.

I think in the end, we'll have to make a compromise somewhere, and integrating a different text editor may not even solve the issue. We may end up using your initial suggestion of outputting    characters on empty lines indeed, but before that we'd like to make sure it's the 'best of the worst'.

I'd say we can take any further discussion back to the original topic and leave this topic with its original content. Sorry for going a little off-topic!


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@ Peter

I guess what Dirk means in his posting (03.04.2013 15:53) is the following:

Empty lines made with CTRL+Shift are also displayed as empty lines on the page. But empty lines, which are new paragraphs, are ignored on the page.

This seems to be just a FS4-problem.

FS4 (4.2.455.47342😞





A comparison of the <p>-Format-template in FS4 and FS5 showed, that the code isn't the same.

In the FS4-Mithras-Project the code is just:


In the FS5-Mithras-Project the code is:

<p class="section">$--


        --$& nbsp;$--





Copying the FS5-code to the FS4-Project solves the "problem" of the irritating line breaks:

(So it was a template-problem and not a FS-problem and the editor works the right way.)


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