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Hello Community,
I wrote a link template for a linklist.
My template looks like this:
$CMS_IF(!lt_pageref.isEmpty && !lt_text.isEmpty)$<a href="$CMS_REF(lt_pageref)$">$CMS_VALUE(lt_text)$</a>$CMS_END_IF$
A co-worker deleted the referenced pages. So I get now the error message:
($CMS_REF(lt_pageref)$ at 1, 59): no target selected
I understand why this happens (the reference is not empty, but it can't be resolved...) but is there anything I can do, so that this error message does no longer appear.
Best wishes and have a nice weekend.
First of all you should talk to your co-worker (or remove him from the admin group) - deleting referenced items is nothing you should do...
I assume "lt_pageref" if of type FS_REFERENCE. Then " ! lt_pageref.isEmpty" means "editor has chosen a reference" and "lt_pageref.get != null" means "no choice or element deleted".
First of all you should talk to your co-worker (or remove him from the admin group) - deleting referenced items is nothing you should do...
I assume "lt_pageref" if of type FS_REFERENCE. Then " ! lt_pageref.isEmpty" means "editor has chosen a reference" and "lt_pageref.get != null" means "no choice or element deleted".
yes, it is a "FS_REFERENCE" and it works fine.
Thanks a lot.
My co-worker is rebuilding the site-store and we are working on a new project.
Actually it is no real problem, but it is interesting to fix this error.
Thanks a lot. Have a nice weekend.