[RELEASE] New module SEO-URL-Creator

Crownpeak employee
Crownpeak employee
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Automated search engine optimization (SEO) with FirstSpirit™

The URL is an important criterion for ranking a website in the search index of a search engine. With the FirstSpirit™ SEO-URL-Creator, companies can increase the visibility of their websites on Google, Yahoo, Bing, etc. This certified module automatically generates new, SEO-compliant URLs and optimizes existing URLs.

Increased visibility and optimized PageRank

Content editors can save resources during the technical optimization of websites, and companies benefit from the increased visibility as well as the higher traffic potential of an improved PageRank. The SEO-URL-Creator is delivered as a standard FirstSpirit module and can be easily integrated through a standard interface. It can be used quickly and easily on the basis of the existing field information.

An overview of the features

  • Support for multilingual URLs on the basis of the existing input fields
  • Optimization of start-page and index-page URLs
  • Free positioning of the language abbreviation
  • Automatic replacement of special symbols such as underscores and umlauts
  • Exclusion of stop words to increase relevance
  • Avoiding duplicate URLs
  • Optimized links for data-source entries
  • Support for automatic redirection from old URLs to new ones (mapping)
  • Extensive configuration options at the project level


  • Improved online visibility with reduced updating effort and expense
  • Automatic generation of short, descriptive URLs
  • Certified module: fast and easy implementation
  • Suitable for new and existing websites
  • Effectively increases keyword relevance
  • PageRank, bookmarks and social evaluations remain active
  • Suitable for multilingual sites
  • Increases reach through optional sitemaps

The module is available for download through our Helpdesk.

Source: http://www.e-spirit.com/en/product/modules/seo_url_creator.html