[RELEASE] FirstSpirit™ 2024.9

Crownpeak employee
Crownpeak employee
0 2 807

FirstSpirit 2024.9 (5.2.240907) is the latest release of FirstSpirit and contains bugfixes as well as new functionality.

The release notes are attached to this post and available via https://docs.crownpeak.com/
To learn more about our release management in general please see our Release Management FAQ.

The new FirstSpirit version is available for download

You need a personal login to access the download folder. Please contact our Technical Support if you do not have a personal login.

Tags (2)
New Creator

Hallo, release notes werden in file.crownpeak.com ab 24.5 nicht mehr mitgeliefert.
Was ist der Grund? Wo finden wir sie?

Crownpeak employee
Crownpeak employee

Hallo halil,

sorry für eine späte Antwort. 

Release Notes sind auf https://docs.crownpeak.com/ im Bereich "Crownpeak CMS (FirstSpirit)" zu finden.
