[RELEASE] CaaS 2.12.12

Crownpeak employee
Crownpeak employee
0 0 257

Hi everybody,

we have released CaaS 2.12.12 today. This version contains the CaaS module in Version 2.12.12 and CaaS platform in version 2.11.23.

As ususal the release notes are available online:

We further split up the documentation to honor CaaS module and platform being to indepent components. Now there is a separate

  • Documentation
  • Release Notes
  • Migration Guide
  • Technical Datasheet

component and an additional product documentation as first starting point.

You can find the documents online at the documentation portal: https://docs.e-spirit.com

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Version history
Last update:
‎03-30-2020 06:40 AM
Updated by: