Info: Changes in 5.2R16 / 5.2R17 regarding AccessControlDb / ACL

Occasional Collector
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Update 2018-01-16: After discussing the change mentioned in this post with you - our customers and partners - we decided to do a rollback in FirstSpirit 5.2R17 to restore the behaviour from before FirstSpirit 5.2 R16.

If you have not yet refactored your code to use the new interface you do not need to do anything and existing implementations will continue to work with FirstSpirit 5.2R17 (but will not work with FirstSpirit 5.2R16). If you already did the refactoring, please rollback your changes to use the old classpath. It is unfortunately not possible to be compatible with both versions.

Regarding Downgrades: If you are using this functionality and want to downgrade after an update to FirstSpirit 5.2R17 manual intervention is required.

Summary: The class AccessControlDb moved back to the package de.espirit.firstspirit.acl.db with FirstSpirit 5.2R17.

If you are using the class mentioned in this post, please let us know about your use case in the comments. We are planning to make changes in the future and would like to understand how you are using this functionality. Thank you!


We are continuously improving and refactoring FirstSpirit to keep it up to date and prepared for future functionality. While preparing for new backend technology we are planning on introducing some months down the road, we moved an internal class regarding ACL to a different package with FirstSpirit 5.2R16.

As we believe that custom modules and implementations may use this internal class, we want to give you a heads up that there may be refactoring required in your project specific implementations.

The affected class is AccessControlDb from the package de.espirit.firstspirit.acl.db. This class is now an interface and was moved to the package de.espirit.firstspirit.acl.iface. If you are using AccessControlDb in your project specific implementations, please refactor your imports to get it from the new package.

If this does not work for you or you are running into issues, please let us know in the comments or raise a ticket with Technical Support.

We would also like to understand more about how you are using this functionality and why you need it to prepare for further changes. If you are using the class mentioned above, please tell us more about your use case in the comments. Thank you!

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