Crownpeak (Retired)
Developer Certification Exam Checklists
Exam Enrollment Checklist:
- After completing Developer Training fill out the Crownpeak Developer Certification Exam Enrollment Form
- Shortly after you submit the form, you will receive an email from a member of the Training Team with login information for our Training and Demos CMS instance and further instructions.
If you have enrolled on behalf of other people, they will receive this email.
- Once you have received this email continue to the Examination checklist below.
Starting the day after you receive this email you will have 3 business days to complete the exam.
Examination Checklist:
- Download Exam Word doc
- Make sure to review the Introduction and Overview information in the Word doc
- Log into the Training instance using credentials explained in your welcome email:
- If you are planning to use Visual Studio, please install Crownpeak Desktop Connection. You will find configuration instructions in the Developer Center
- Add your answers to the exam Word doc
- Review responses to confirm all tasks and answers are complete.
- Submit your exam by emailing the Word document to
If you have problems with access or features, contact We cannot help troubleshoot your code. There are links provided in the exam preparation guide to help address those questions.
Once you have emailed in your exam:
Your exam will be graded within 1 month of submission.
- A grade of Meets Expectations (ME) or higher will result in your official certification and you will be emailed a certificate.