Enabling template profiling through the Template API

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The problem

Template profiling can be extremely helpful in diagnosing performance problems with templates. Currently profiling is a global CMS flag and causes ALL templates to be profiled. This results in a reluctance to enable profiling which is detrimental to enabling developers to investigate template performance issues because of the following challenges:

  1. Profiling results in a template performance hit due to the time and storage costs associated with the profiling.
  2. Profiling ALL templates causes system-side performance hit.
  3. Profiling ALL templates results in large amounts of unused profiling data being collected.
  4. Profiling data is mixed between all template handlers / files (input, output, post_input, post_save etc.)

The suggestion

  1. Create a new Template API class / method that would enable template profiling per context and per template: OutputContext.EnableProfiling() or InputContext.EnableProfiling() for example.
  2. Store and expose profiling data per run. This could be a presented as a report or table view much like the system audit log.
  3. Create a new system access control property "Enabling profiling". 
  4. Only enable profiling if the user is in a group that has the "Enable profiling" permission. The purpose of this is to prevent unnecessary profile code being run if developers leave code enabling profiling in a template that is then being run by content editors.