Crownpeak (Retired)

FAQs - Does DQM support JavaScript generated websites?


Does DQM Support JavaScript generated websites?


Yes, DQM has a JavaScript scanner that works with our existing Digital Quality Management platform to provide you an overview of both your HTML and JavaScript websites within the same solution.

Below is some further information related to our JavaScript scanning solution:

Are all scans in DQM now using the new JavaScript scanner?

The DQM platform now has two scanning options HTML scans and JavaScript scans. HTML websites are set to be scanned using the HTML scanner and JavaScript based websites can be set to scan using the JavaScript scanner. This ensures that Digital Quality Management runs as effectively and efficiently as possible.

Is there a different way to view a website running the JavaScript scanner in DQM?

You can view a website running the JavaScript scanner in the same way as a website running on an HTML scan in DQM.

How can I set my website to be scanned using the new JavaScript scanner?

Please reach out to our Support team and request to have your JavaScript based website scanned using the DQM JavaScript scanner

What changes can I expect if I move my website to the JavaScript scanner?

Websites that have links generated through JavaScript are likely to see page counts increase when using a JavaScript scan. This is because the JavaScript scanner can now follow these links to additional pages that may have not been detected with the HTML scanner.

Websites with JavaScript generated content may also see issue counts change. This is because JavaScript scans can now analyze this content. This also increases the accuracy of reported issues and avoids instances of false positives being reported.

Does the new scanner support Single Page Applications?

The JavaScript scanner is designed to scan websites that use JavaScript to generate content and page elements. If your Single Page Application is developed utilizing HTML links where the URL changes as content is updated, then the JavaScript scanner will work with your Single Page Application.

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