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Is there a quick way in V3 to see asset environment?

Hi, Is there a quick way in V3 to see asset environment without expanding the Info panel? The volte version used to show this on top of the asset when user is editing it as shown in snapshots attached. It said "current asset (draft)" or "current asset (live)". It would be a good-to-have feature on V3 with its multi-asset visibility in tabular format. Thanks, Ashish
Director Projects
Accelerate Business Solutions
3 Replies
Crownpeak (Retired)

Hi Ashish and welcome to the Crownpeak Community.  Appreciate you posting your question here.  I am a member of the Customer Success team and shared your question with our Product team.  The info panel is the only section as far as Iโ€™m aware. But it is a great recommendation and weโ€™ll bring this to the UX team and we can get some mockups to test out. 

Stay Tuned and we will come back with more information.


Beverly Dunn

Sr. Director, Customer Success

Beverly Dunn
Sr. Director - Customer Success

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Director of UX


Hi Ashish.
Great question. I'm Ari Weissman, the Director of UX.
If you look at the File View panel, each asset has a color block next to it. Those color blocks are associated with one of your environments and will display the tooltip when you hover over them. See the example I attached.
The design team has already started working on improvements to the File View panel and one of the things weโ€™re looking at is how to make identifying the environment even easier. We can look at including some form of identification in the tab label as well.

I hope that helps. 




Ari Weissman
Sr Director of UX & Community

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Thanks for replies. @@Ari : Yes, color blocks are useful. What I wanted to highlight on was when you have identical named assets open in tab-view and how to quickly distinguish them visually. Not sure if these color blocks can be added next to Tab-titles as well? This would be a great feature if possible.


Director Projects
Accelerate Business Solutions

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