OCD-20298 – Website Category Compliance: Restructure json from api endpoint
We updated the API endpoint for the website category compliance information to accept json as a possible output. This endpoint provided a CSV output in its previous release and adding json will allow the endpoint to be used in the development of the new Website Category compliance page.
OCD-20389 - Provide available Checkpoint Categories via API
We have completed an API endpoint to provide checkpoint categories based on a specified dashboard group. This endpoint will be used in the development of the new Website Category compliance page to display the list of available categories.
OCD-19651 - Add auto-increment integer column and unique key on client_application table
We added an auto-increment integer column that is set to be a unique key for the client application table in the DQM database. This column is intended to be used in the new DQM data pipeline. The use of an integer field addresses the issue found in the current pipeline where special characters in the unique keys have caused unexpected behaviours to occur within the platform.
OCD-20001 - Remove AWS AccessKey authentication from Analytics service
We have removed the AWS AccessKey authentication from our Analytics service to improve the security of the platform and align with initiatives run by our operations team.