Crownpeak Employee
Crownpeak Employee

DQM Release Notes - 6th September 2018

Enhancement of Spellchecker to check on words broken up by tags (OCD-6826)

DQM’s Spellcheck is now able to analyse words that are have partial styling applied to them.

Example: <strong>H</strong>ey <strong>M</strong>ister would have previously reported the divided words such as “ister” as a misspelling.

The Spellcheck is now able to recognize the style you have applied to your wording and will not report on those items.

Improved Navigation Bar to support Internet Explorer 11 (OCD-9610)

The DQM team has enhanced the new navigation bar to fully support Internet Explorer 11.

Incorrect dashboard showing when switching pages (OCD-9843)

A fix for a scenario where upon switching pages, DQM would revert to the default dashboard for your company.

This has now been fixed and the application will remember which page/dashboard you were previously visiting.

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