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SEO Score comparison

Quesiton: Is it possible to see previous SEO scores of a specific (or group of) dashboard(s)?

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1 Reply
Crownpeak (Retired)

Thank you for your comment.

As of the moment the SEO score only shows the current value.
We would appreciate getting a bit more detail regarding your inquiry, it would be great if you can answer some of the questions below:

  • Where you intended to use the comparison for?
  • How long of a history were you considering to compare against? (week, month, quarter or year?)
  • Is there a specific way you would like this information presented?
    (such as an excel download, API call or a page?)

We will forward this information to our Product team to review the request, having the additional information above will help us understand the request further.


Aris Ramos
Head of DQM Product Management, CSPO, CSM

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