New Creator

Wrap content of cookie notification banner in a container or outer Div


I need to be able to wrap the text of the content in the notification banners in some sort of container. Or at least be able to add another customizable div tag around it, so that I can keep the banner full width of the screen but also put a max-width on the inner content. Is there a way I can do this in the template? 


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2 Replies
Crownpeak Employee

Hi Kfolsom,

Unfortunately, no, there is no way to apply an additional container <div> with a Style Template. Style templates cannot really edit any Site Notice HTML except to add or remove some optional pieces, such as a logo or a close icon.


It sounds like what you are trying to accomplish is possible via the Style Template's CSS areas under the "Advanced" dropdown for the different components. Would you mind shooting me an email at jonah.thompson@crownpeak.com detailing your use case and style requirements for this scenario? Some screenshots would also be very helpful if you have some available for what the solution should look like.




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Thanks Jonah! Sent you an email.

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