Creating a Google Analytics Dashboard - Crownpeak DXM

Crownpeak (Retired)
1 0 3,532

In this blog, you will see how you can easily create a Google Analytics Dashboard in Crownpeak DXM.  The outcome will produce a Dashboard in Crownpeak DXM that looks like this:

Crownpeak DXM Dashboard Screenshot

Step 1:  Google Analytics (GA)

Make sure you have a GA account that is set up to receive data from your site.

Log in to your Google Cloud Console at and select APIs & Services from the menu.

Select Credentials from the menu and create a new OAuth 2.0 Client ID.

Set up your Client ID as follows:

Before you save, take a note of your Client ID.

Save the new Client.

Step 2:  Create a Crownpeak DXM Template and Asset

In your Crownpeak DXM instance, navigate to your templates folder

Create a new Template and name it Google Analytics.

In the output.aspx template, add the following:

<%@ Page Language="C#" Inherits="CrownPeak.Internal.Debug.OutputInit" %>
<%@ Import Namespace="CrownPeak.CMSAPI" %>
<%@ Import Namespace="CrownPeak.CMSAPI.Services" %>
<% //MODIFY or ADD Import Statements to Define Namespaces Used by the Template %>
<%//This plugin uses OutputContext as its context class type%>
   // output.aspx: template file to specify the published content in site HTML
   // if no preview.aspx exists, then this is used by default for preview
<!-- Scripts taking from my Google Analytics as provided by Segment -->
<script async src=""></script>
  Site Analytics
<div id="embed-api-auth-container"></div>

<div id="session-chart-container"></div>
<div id="view-selector-session-container"></div>
<div id="browser-chart-container"></div>
<div id="view-selector-browser-container"></div>
<script> {

   * Authorize the user immediately if the user has already granted access.
   * If no access has been created, render an authorize button inside the
   * element with the ID "embed-api-auth-container".
    container: 'embed-api-auth-container',
    clientid: '<your_client_id>'

   * Create a ViewSelector for the first view to be rendered inside of an
   * element with the id "view-selector-1-container".
  var viewSelector1 = new{
    container: 'view-selector-session-container'

   * Create a ViewSelector for the browser.
  var viewSelector2 = new{
    container: 'view-selector-browser-container'

  // Render both view selectors to the page.

   * Create the first DataChart for top countries over the past 30 days.
   * It will be rendered inside an element with the id "session-chart-container".
  var dataChart1 = new{
    query: {
      metrics: 'ga:sessions',
      dimensions: 'ga:country',
      'start-date': '30daysAgo',
      'end-date': 'yesterday',
      'max-results': 6,
      sort: '-ga:sessions'
    chart: {
      container: 'session-chart-container',
      type: 'PIE',
      options: {
        width: '100%',
        pieHole: 4/9

   * Create the second DataChart for browser usage.
   * It will be rendered inside an element with the id "browser-chart-container".
  var dataChart2 = new{
    query: {
      'dimensions': 'ga:browser',
      'metrics': 'ga:sessions',
      'sort': '-ga:sessions',
      'max-results': '6'
    chart: {
      type: 'TABLE',
      container: 'browser-chart-container',
      options: {
        width: '100%'

   * Update the first dataChart when the first view selecter is changed.
  viewSelector1.on('change', function(ids) {
    dataChart1.set({query: {ids: ids}}).execute();

   * Update the second dataChart when the second view selecter is changed.
  viewSelector2.on('change', function(ids) {
    dataChart2.set({query: {ids: ids}}).execute();

Note!  Don't forget to change <your_client_id> with your own Client ID created in Step 1.

Save your template.

Navigate to a suitable location to store your Google Analytics asset that will represent your report.  You could use the root of your site but wherever you decide to locate the asset, remember its location for later.

File -> New File

New GA Asset linked to your GA Template

Click Create.

Your asset (in Preview mode) will look like this:
GA Asset in Preview


Step 3:  Create a Dashboard
In Crownpeak DXM, select the Dashboard option in the left menu.
Then click on the Dashboard selection menu and select Add Dashboard.
Create a new Dashboard

Select AP Asset Previewer from the options.

Provide a Name for your Dashboard and decide if the dashboard should be private (to your login) or public (to all of your CMS users).
In your new (empty) Dashboard, click the Add Widget button.
Select AP Asset Preview.
Provide a Title for your Widget.
Select Asset and browse to your Google Analytics asset created in the previous steps.
Save the Widget and it will be added to your Dashboard.

You can also add additional Widgets to your dashboard as required.

You can modify the Google Analytics reports as required.  For further information, visit:

Version history
Last update:
‎10-22-2019 12:19 PM
Updated by: