The Options Dialog is the modal presented to the site visitor that allows them to view the technologies being used and exercise their opt-out choices - and its setup is an important piece of creating a new notice.

Auto-pop is a monthly scan that can discover the vendors that are present on your website. This feature then automatically populates and updates the vendors that are disclosed in your consent notices. With auto-pop enabled, the tool will populate with technologies that our scanner detected in the client’s scan. The auto-pop scans run once a month and updates the list of vendors.
For example: If you have created a UCP or site notice for a test site that is going to be live after 1 week, or if you have updated 3 new tags on your website, during the next auto-pop scan cycle a scan will run on the website and update the vendor information in the consent tool.
Auto-pop Frequency
The Auto-pop cycle runs once per month and scans almost 100 pages of the website. If you can't wait for the auto-pop cycle, then you can manually add the tag in the consent tool.