Crownpeak Employee
Crownpeak Employee

DXM Access API - Authentication


Use this call to obtain consent to invoke the API on behalf of the user. It will require you to authenticate as a CMS user and obtain consent, unless consent has been previously stored and still exist in the project.

To make an Access API call from the external projects such as custom web or mobile applications, you must supply an API key as well as the instance name and credentials on the authentication call.


HTTP headers

Specify one or more of the following HTTP headers in the API calls:

HTTP header




Required. Specifies the authentication API Key that proves you have access to the CMS instance. You specify the API Key in the Authorization request header.

CP <API Key>: <HTTP verb> <Endpoint> <Data> <DateTime>


API Key - contact support to obtain a developer public token(API key) for the instance.

Sample: 1c12f3d1234c123456d7

Content Type

Required for operations with a request body. Specifies the format of the request body.

Content-Type:application/json or Content-Type:application/xml


Current Date Time



Characters encoding



POST   /Auth/Authenticate




A combination of the server that fulfills the request, the web service, and the resource against which the request is being made.

For example, in the POST https://cms.crownpeak.net/<instance_name>/cpt_webservice/accessapi/Auth/Authenticate

Content Type

The content type of the request body. Set this value to either “Content-Type:application/json” or “Content-Type:application/xml”


The username and password for the CMS instance.



Documentation and an example of an authentication request using a REST client are available on you CMS instance https://cms.crownpeak.net/<instance_name>/cpt_webservice/swagger/ui/index#!/Auth/Auth_Authenticate



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